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D12 Performance


What is D12Performance? It's a great company that conducts training classes in their gym and provides personal training. The company located in Dublin the heart of Ireland. Ofcourse such a great client should have a good website and we couldn't wait to help them with them! Let's get down to business!


Since the page is not only a corporate page but actually makes sales directly we had to form the information in such way that the user not only learns more about the company but we actually push him towards to the purchase.

We've put a lot of attention to the images that we used. The main idea is to create the motivation for a healthy lifestyle and shape, that's why we tried to avoid using images of bulky "steriod monsters". We wanted to show the shapes that are actually feasible with healthy training.


One the most important elements is color. We used the color from log since when it's combined with black it can be used to represent energy and adrenaline.


Open Sans Open Sans

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Open Sans Open Sans

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

What we offered to the visitors

We've put the focus on motivating images and personal trainings.

The professionals in D12 will create a personal plan for you and a healthy diet that will allow you to get into shape in reasonable time.

We created the landing in such a way that the user not only can contact a manger but actually book a class or a personal training right the front page.

D12 Performance & Digibook

D12performance is an active client of our Digibook platform which allows the users to book classes. Digibook is available in on web and has apps on Android and IOS.

Users can see the schedule, location and the name of the coach and easily book a class or purchase a whole bunch in a bundle with a couple of clicks!

Bundled Classes


We enjoyed working on the D12 website. D12 now has a representation on the internet and a whole new way of sales.