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Front page

After a year after we done the work on Visage website (information about this case you can find here. ) the company has been sold. New owners decided to do re-branding and since we had great recommendations they decided to work with us. Visage Aesthetic Clinics became SISU Aesthetic Clinic and inherited branches in many big cities of Ireland. The specialists of SISU Clinics is the best in the field of aesthetic medicine. The client provided us the brand and corporate style based on which he had to create the website design. We had to show absolutely new vision and approach for the website, new look and feel had to be more elegant and sophisticated.

Fonts & Colors

Look and feel

Since the requirements for the new looks were high, we decided to make it similar to fashion magazines. That fits well into the idea of SISU and the client were happy with that approach. We used Karla, Marcellus and Roboto, the fonts that fit well with each other and make pages more elegant.

Regular Bold Light


Since the design is based on the corporate style we used soft colors in composition with black and white



More than 30 pages has been designed and developed for the website.

The website contains a lot of pages because the clinic has a variety of procedures and each of them has to have it's own page. We were afraid that the pages could become blurred in for user and that's why we decided to make each of those pages truly unique and individual.


Final Result

The job on this project was extremely intense. The deadline were short and we had to turn Visage into Sisu just in 28 days. We incorporated the page that allowed SISU to offer discounts for the procedures, added a news blog which is capable of posting articles on timers and much more. Client were satisfied with the website and our relationship became even stronger.